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Use / Rent / Trade

A Woman Looking out of a Swimming Pool

Use It

You have invested and as the owner, so you are entitled to use your portion as you see fit. You can use the entire time to enjoy your vacation as you wish or use some of it and short term rent out the balance . Once your trip and or your guests trips are completed we will professional deep clean it and prepare the home for the next co-owner to come and enjoy. 

Rent It

If you decide one year to rather rent it out or decide to only stay a few weeks and rent out the balance then you are entitled to rent out your time. We can handle all the logistics, you can have another STR management company handle the logistics or you can handle the logistics yourself. Most prefer us to handle the logistics and use that income to offset the annual expenses of the vacation home.

Trade It

On our platform we provide an area for "owners only" to discuss, talk and trade time and places between them. We prefer not to get involved. As an Owner you will belong to the larger group called "ALL Owners" which is the group of all owners across the world. You will also belong to your private home only "owners group." This will allow you to trade with owners across the world and/or other owners of just your property.

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